Registration for all categories is backstage at the convention.
Friday: 5 p.m. to 10 p.m.
Saturday: 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.
No advance registration.
A Note About Competition
All bands, duets and individuals must compete either Friday night or Saturday between 10 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. Please play Friday night if you can.
The Saturday daytime competition is intended for those who cannot play Friday night because of work, etc. We usually end up with more contestants than we can get on stage before 5:30 p.m. on Saturday. Nonetheless, the band preliminaries and individual competition must end at 5:30. We have to tally scores so we can announce the finalist bands, give them a little time to choose their tunes for the playoffs, and give the judges a supper break. During this time we also hold the dance contest and present youth awards.
If you can't play Friday night we recommend that you come early Saturday. Dance contests for all categories begin at 5:30 p.m. Saturday. You may sign up backstage any time during registration hours. Please come backstage before 5:30 p.m. Saturday to line up for competition.
1. Each contestant may enter one individual, one duet, and one dance category and play in one band. Individuals may be judged during their band’s performance, but not in duets.
2. A senior old time band must have at least three members consisting of banjo played old time style, fiddle, and guitar. No more than seven members. Must have the same members in preliminary and final competition.
3. A senior bluegrass band must have at least four members consisting of banjo played in bluegrass style, guitar, bass, and fiddle and/or mandolin. No more than seven members. Must have the same members in preliminary and final competition.
4. Junior bands must have at least three members age 16 and under, and may be accompanied by one adult. Junior individuals must be 16 and under, and may have one string instrument backup of any age. Youths may enter adult or youth categories but not both.
5. All vocal entries should be traditional, original or folk songs. Solo vocalists may play an instrument while they sing and have one additional string instrument backup. Vocal duet singers may play one or two instruments themselves. Songs may also be presented acapella.
6. Acoustic instruments only, except electric bass guitars are allowed in bluegrass bands. Electric basses will not be judged in individual contest.
7. In case of broken strings or picks, or a malfunction of the sound system or lights, contestants affected will be allowed to repeat their performance, playing the same tune or song, without penalty.
8. All judges are musicians themselves. Their decisions are final and will be supported by management.
9. The management reserves the right to make video and/or audio recordings of any performance without consent from any performer or group. Any contestant agrees the recordings are the property of the management.
10. No copyright music.
Get your ticket refunds immediately after coming off stage. No refunds after 6 p.m. Saturday. No refunds for camping. (donations to the fire department are appreciated.)
Bands and individuals may perform Friday night beginning at 6 p.m. OR Saturday from 11 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Please play Friday if you can, since time is limited Saturday and is intended for those who cannot attend Friday night. One tune or song. Cut off time will be 5:30 p.m.
15 bluegrass and 15 old time bands will be chosen for final competition, which begins at 7:30 p.m. Saturday. Bands will be chosen based on scores from Friday night and Saturday afternoon. Finalists will be announced at 6 p.m. Saturday and posted backstage. in final competition, senior bands will play two tunes.
Contestants in all categories, Please report backstage at 5:30 Saturday. No refunds, no taps.